
[…] Order F2 018-72 at paras 42- 43. 5 See, for example, Order MO -3672; Interim Order MO -3513- I. 6 […]


[…] relating to this investigation including the entire contents of your files pertaining to this investigation.” Because of the massive volume […]


[…] as to mineral rights under control. The Board may have files dealing with historical well license requirements in general, or […]


[…] -02 ORDER F2018 -39 August 30, 2018 ALBERTA HEALTH Case File Numbers F6748/F6749 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant made […]


[…] F2007-021 May 30, 2008 ALBERTA JUSTICE AND ATTORNEY GENERAL Case File Number 3755 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: Under the Freedom […]


[…] from a third party may not be as accurate or reliable as that collected directly from the individual it concerns. […]


[…] “Recordkeeping is the creation and maintenance of complete, accurate and reliable evidence of business tran sactions. Recordkeeping systems are information […]


[…] F2018 -75 December 13 , 2018 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BOARD Case File Numbers F8328 & F8329 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: An […]


[…] ORDER F2009-041 November 30, 2010 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BOARD ALBERTA Case File Number F4546 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Complainant made […]


[…] ii. Newspaper article/editorial……………………………..35 iii. Medical information predating 1991………………..36 iv. Chest exam report and laboratory discharge report……………………………………………………………..36 v. Dr. X.’s clinical […]