
[…] the purpose and requirem ents of section 24(1)(a) (see for exam ple Orders 96-006, 99-001). The Public Body m ust […]


[…] e Applicant’s initial s ubm ission, which reads: 9 For exam ple I have called the Friends of Medicare for […]


[…] 99-040, arguing that deliberating is the act of weighing and exam ining 6 the reasons for and against a contem […]


[…] records would be to perm it the Applicant to cross- exam ine the Public Body’s affiants on thei r affidavits. […]


[…] The Public Body also advised the Applicant that his request file would be tran sferred to a FOIP Coor dinato […]


[…] recommending changes that would be approved by Cabinet. The options exam ined by KPMG we re pending policy options as […]


[…] following its principles), and Practice Notes #1 and #10, that guide public bodies’ understanding of their task in showing harm […]


[…] could not cloak a c ontract with confidentiality. I have exam ined the clause that contains the confidentiality provision. That […]


[…] the public body been to the applican t’s request? For exam ple, we re som e records m ade available […]


[…] October 24, 2006 NORTHERN ALBERTA INSTIT UTE OF TECHNOLOGY Case File Num ber 3100 Office URL: http://www .oipc.ab.c a Summary: […]