
[…] ISSION FOR ALBERTA W O RKERS’ COM PENSATI ON Case File Num ber 2955 Office URL: http://www .oipc.ab.c a Summary: […]


[…] powers under other provisions of the Insur ance Act (for exam ple, section 791(1) 3). However, I reject th is […]


[…] pr oduced to the Commi ssioner” an d to ” exami ne any informa tion in the r ecord”, whe […]


[…] client and any other participant “). Instead, the three specific exam ples follow th e m ore general term . […]


[…] y 31, 2008 LO BLAW COM PANI ES LIMITED Case File Number P0768 Offi ce U RL: https://oipc.ab.ca Summa ry: […]


[…] consideration for disclosing that personal infor mation”. (S ee, for exam ple, Order 99-027 at para 175.) However, I do […]


[…] SIONER ORDER F2007-006 August 16, 2007 CITY OF EDMONTON Case File Num ber 3727 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant […]


[…] ation to the increm ent am ount awarded. F or exam ple, the iden tity of the em ployee who […]


[…] F2007-032 January 16, 2008 ALBERTA SUSTAINABLE RE SOURCE DEVELOPMENT Case File Num ber 3690 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: Alberta Sustainable […]


[…] F2009-003 March 12, 2009 ALBERTA SENIORS AND COMMUNITY SUPPORTS Case File Number F4228 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant requested […]