
[…] that some requested records were no longer in its possession, and had been destroyed. The U of A objected to […]


[…] on sections 18 (individual health or safety, or public safety) and 20 (law enforcement) of FOIP. The Adjudicator found that CPS […]


An individual filed a complaint alleging that Justice and Attorney General’s disclosure of the complainant’s personal information by an employee […]


[…] request to Children’s Services for access to her child welfare file. Children’s Services did not locate any responsive records to […]


[…] Justice and Attorney General a copy of a crown prosecutor’s file in relation to a criminal prosecution. Justice and Attorney […]


[…] for the records as required by section 27(1)(a) of PIPA, and that it had provided an adequate response, as required […]


[…] files relating to a condominium conversion, a noise control plan, and a business license. The applicant requested review of the […]


[…] Calgary Board of Education (CBE) for her daughter’s cumulative student file and other records relating to her daughter. CBE withheld […]


[…] 20 (disclosure harmful to law enforcement), section 24 (advice, etc.) and section 27 (privileged information). The Adjudicator made several determinations […]


[…] provided the applicant with an estimate for fees for compiling and copying the portions of her files relating to a […]