
[…] F2015- 13 April 30 , 2015 ALBERTA HEALTH SERVICES Case File Number F6949 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant made […]


[…] December 3, 2015 PEACE RIVER SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 10 Case File Number F8298 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant made […]


[…] other biometric identifier) are or are not the only sufficiently reliable means in the circumstances to determine the identity of […]


[…] March 1 , 2016 ALBERTA JUSTICE AND SOLICITOR GENERAL Case File Number 000589 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: On March 18 […]


[…] else. Moreover, the information is not intended to advise or guide a decision which the employee or the Public Body […]


[…] ORDER F2016 -34 August 31, 2016 CALGARY POLICE SERVICE Case File Number F8349 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: After obtaining records […]


[…] COMMISSIONER ORDER H 2016-03 January 27, 2016 COVENANT HEALTH Case File Number H5965 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: An individual made […]


[…] P2016-05 May 19, 2016 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS CANADA LTD. Case File Number P2695 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant made […]


[…] 5 , 2017 PEACE RIVER SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 10 Case File Number 000153 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: Pursuant to section […]


[…] F20 17-57 July 7 , 2017 EDMONTON POLICE SERVICE Case File Number F5536 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: On June 16, […]