
[…] decision as set ou t in the notif ication”, when exam ined in its entire con text, m ust mean […]


[…] matter of public interest – I have no intention of examining the entire list of criteria for a ” public […]


[…] COMMIS SIONER ORDER P2006-012 March 2, 2007 PETRA CORP. Case File Num ber P0269 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant […]


[…] identifying s ection 12 (2). It giv es as an exam ple cases in which there are s ome records […]


[…] body b een to the app licant’ s request? For exam ple, were som e records m ade available at […]


[…] circum stances where it is reasona ble to so. For exam ple, in situations w here an English speaking em […]


[…] d to the pu rpose f or colle ction. For exam ple, protecting life, liberty, and security of the person […]


[…] rec ord the fact that it was produc ed and exam ined to the organizat ion’ s sat isfact ion […]


[…] or ders issued from the Office under F OIP. For exam ple, the f ormer Commissioner st ates: I agr […]


[…] ORDER F2007-008 January 23, 2008 ALBERTA INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORTATION Case File Num ber 3520 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant […]