
[…] ha d t he op portuni ty to c ross- exam ine thos e witnesse s. The fact that yo […]


[…] disclos ed. The Adjudicator wants to know whe ther, for example, the Alberta Environm en tal Protection and Enha ncem […]


[…] H2007- 004 Januar y 25, 2008 DR. BARRY LYCKA Case File Number H1331 Offi ce U RL: https://oipc.ab.ca Summa ry: […]


[…] individua l’s medical condition and state of heal th. For example the first qu estion is, “Do you have ‘low […]


[…] separate” organizations that were initially “mixed with the Clinic”. For example, Dr. L.’s name appears on t he Foundati on […]


[…] COMMISSIONER ORDER F2009-023 February 26, 2010 UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA Case File Number F4619 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant made […]


[…] ORDER P2010-015 December 22, 2010 STUART OLSON CONSTRUCTORS INC. Case File Number P1152 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: Pursuant to the […]


[…] COMMISSIONER ORDER H2010-002 July 30, 2010 DR. FINOLA FOGARTY Case File Number H2408 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant asked […]


[…] the P ublic Body sent his name and mid -term examination mark to two other employees of the Public Body. […]


[…] H2013- 03 November 26 , 2013 ALBERTA HEALTH SERVICES Case File Number s F5829, F5830 , H5745 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca […]