
[…] inf orm ation by the le tte r “A“. For exam ple, I will r efer to th e back […]


[…] COMMISSIONER ORDER F2021- 43 November 15, 2021 CHILDREN’S SERVICES Case File Number 008372 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant , […]


[…] The Applicant argues that, in the c ourse of an exam ination for discovery held in the context of the […]


[…] F2013- 54 December 24 , 2013 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BOARD Case File Number F6280 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: An individual made […]


[…] F 2017 -53 June 16, 2017 ALBERTA HEALTH SERVICES Case File Number 000218 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Complainant complained […]


[…] records created and kept by the department provide complete, accurate, reliable, and usable evidence of the actions and decisions of […]


[…] dis clos e m ost of the contents of the file. The Comm issioner upheld this refusal. He agr eed […]


OIPC File # Store PIA Name AcceptanceDate (d/m/y) Contact H1448 Turtle Mountain Pharmacy Ltd. Alberta Netcare 15/12/2006 Darsey Milford H1484 […]


[…] 5 may occur even when otherwise reasonable safeguards have been  implemented.  Therefore, it is reasonable for a custodian to anticipate that it will face a  privacy breach at some point and to take reasonable steps to address the associated  risks to privacy.  Custodians typically respond to this risk by implementing a  privacy  breach response policy.    All international information security and privacy standards the OIPC has reviewed  include a breach or incident response policy.  The Alberta Medical Association’s HIA  policy  guide recommends that physicians establish breach response procedures 6.  The  OIPC’s Privacy Impact Assessment Requirements for the HIA 7  and Getting Accountability                                                               5 The HIA does not define the term “privacy beach.”  However, the OIPC Privacy Breach Reporting Form, which Medicentres  used to report this incident, describes a privacy breach as follows:  A privacy breach occurs when there is unauthorized access to or collection, use, disclosure or disposal of personal or health  information. The most common privacy breach happens when personal or health information about your employees,  customers or patients is stolen, lost or mistakenly disclosed. Examples: computer, memory stick, or documents containing […]


[…] the Applicant’s request, which reads as follows: …ecords…found in the files in the name of or found in other files […]