
[…] the Public Body wrote to the Applicant, confirming that further file searches had not resulted in any further documents being […]


[…] 1996, the Applicant’s farm incurred a power outage. The Applicant filed a complaint with the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board […]


[…] fee estimate were as follows: Data and program preparation ( file location, variable field checking, extraction program development and checking): […]


[…] in this Order. These factors make the Reporter’s evidence more reliable than the evidence of Trustee Tilston. Furthermore, Trustee Tilston’s […]


[…] https://oipc.ab.ca Summary: In 1994, an employee of the Public Body filed a workplace complaint against the Applicant. The Public Body […]


[…] date she made an access request under the Act to examine records. The access requests reads as follows: All records […]


[…] news releases. By letter dated July 28, 2001, the Applicant filed a privacy complaint against the EPS under the Freedom […]


[…] data would have to be copied onto other servers or exam ined in the existing servers (thes e existing servers […]


[…] would be taken to require a m edical or physical exam , or place conditions or restrictions on a license […]


[…] views on disclosure. The Public Body conclude d, after an exam ination of the crite ria f or release under […]