
[…] Adjudication Practice Note 1; Solicitor -Client Privilege Adjudication Protocol; FOIP Guidelines and Practices 2009 ; Robert W. McCauley and James […]


[…] 17-88 December 20 , 20 17 EDMONTON POLICE SERVICE Case File Number F8141 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Complainant made […]


[…] F2018 -78 December 20 , 2018 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BOARD Case File Number 000577 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: An individual had […]


[…] staff member observed Employee A… …making multiple visits to the file room and making copies, as well as shredding paper […]


[…] Th is su gg estion is con tain ed, for exam ple, in a l etter he se nt t […]


[…] of chalylenges that made it imypossible to make meaningful and reliable findings withy respect to other potential issues in the […]


[…] “still in existence”. The responsive record was the CDHG personnel file for Doctor X (the “Personnel File“), which consisted of […]


[…] sent to the Ombudsman, and the Public Body has the file copies of those records. In Order 97-008, I said […]


[…] her son. This reque st included: statements of investigations, medical examiner reports, crown prosecuto r reports, videos, pictures and audio […]


[…] F2006- 028 Decem ber 5, 2006 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BOARD Case File Num ber 3420 Office URL: https://oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant […]