
[…] therefore provided it for a particular purpose, because of various guides and documentation that were made available to her. I […]


[…] F201 3-03 January 31 , 201 3 LEDUC COUNTY Case File Number F 54 33 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: Under […]


[…] apply to information that (f ) is an instruction or guideline issued to the officers or employees of a public […]


[…] of the Applicant’s argument is that this is not a reliable or trustworthy way of conducting a search since the […]


Travel Expenses Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta Cara-Lynn Stelmack, Director- Mediation & Investigation Expenses Processed Aprll […]


[…] ORDER P2022- 05 June 10, 2022 CANEM SYSTEMS LTD. Case File Number 009482 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: Under the Personal […]


[…] the following: 2 I request from Environmental Protection copies of files, memos, memorandoms , interdepartmental memos, notes, recommondations and/or any […]


[…] the Act because they were either information in a court file (section 4(1)(a) of the Act), judicial administration records (section […]


[…] view held probable.” The Comm issioner stated th at an exam ple of an opinion would be a belief that […]


[…] ALBERT A CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES AUTHORITY (REGION 1) Case File Number F 6105 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: An individual […]