
[…] letter on April 29, 1999, indicating that the Public Body’s files were voluminous (initially estimated at 35 boxes, then subsequently […]


[…] these pr ovisions address a different context or situation. For exam ple, secti on 17(2)(e) specifically addresses th e discre […]


[…] his three req uests, the Applicant aske d for: ALL FILE INFORMATIONS ON FILE INCLUD ING (1) All ME MORANDU […]


[…] ail rec ords ot her than those on his claim file, and for a letter (in un-severed form ) written […]


[…] (g) a question that is to be used on an examination or test … . In m y vi ew […]


[…] ORDER F2005- 027 February 26, 2007 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BOARD Case File Num ber 3022 Office URL: https://oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Com […]


[…] already aware of the inform ation. It cites, f or exam ple, printouts of the Applicant’s monthly financial benefit, which […]


[…] the personal information is likely to be inaccurate or un reliable, (h) the disclosure may unfairly damage the reputation of […]


[…] ORDER H2008 -002 September 10, 2008 CALGARY HEALTH REGION Case File Number H1409 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: Under section 13(1) […]


[…] 002 September 15, 2008 REAL ESTATE COUNCIL OF ALBERTA Case File Number P0429 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Complainant complained […]