
[…] but not limited to receiving copies of all my written exams and exam marks, C.O.P.A.T scor e(s), evaluations, project mark […]


[…] F2014- 43 October 24, 2014 CALGARY BOARD OF EDUCATION Case File Numbers F6085, F6086, F6087, F6088, F6089 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca […]


[…] ORDER F201 9-34 October 4 , 2019 THORHILD COUNTY Case File Number 003435 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: An individual made […]


[…] also ref erenced in t he 1997 “Contract Manager’ s Guide to Fr eedom of Info rm ati on, Prot […]


[…] Public Security (“the Public Body”) regarding the loss of a file containing information about an inmate of the Fort McMurray […]


[…] P201 2-ND -26 Technip Canada Limited October 24, 2012 (Case File #P 2138 ) I. Introduction Under s. 34.1 of […]


[…] necessary to establish the basis of the com plaint. For exam ple, in Order P2005- 001 the Complainant w as […]


[…] December 19, 2013 THE LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF ALBERTA Case File Number P2034 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant asked […]


[…] ORDER F201 6-18 May 20, 2016 ALBERTA HUMAN SERVICES Case File Number F8091 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: An individual made […]


[…] June 29, 2017 A LBERTA JUSTICE AND SOLICITOR GENERAL Case File Number F8288 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant made […]