
[…] for TJX to determine the contents of most of the files created and downloaded by the intruder. 23. In summary, […]


[…] e. In addition, shortly after she underw ent a paramedical examination, the Compla ina nt was als o asked by […]


[…] of a privacy breach. The Commissioner opened a breach notification file (Case File #014221) and also opened investigations into compl […]


[…] procedures that users are aware of and educated on that guide the proper use of the device. The combination of […]


[…] members.” Voice Logger call records are saved as a digital file on a networked har d drive. Each recording is […]


[…] 4(1) of the FOIP Act:  information in a court file, records of judges, masters and justices of the peace, […]


[…] British Columbia Information and Privacy Commissioners 1 have published these guidelines to address what organizations should consider when determining whether […]


[…] record within 10 days or al low m e to exam ine the record in person. 20 A request for […]


[…] 8, 201 3 THE LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF ALBERTA Case File Number P 2034 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: Under the […]


[…] H2022 -03 March 31 , 2022 ALBERTA HEALTH SERVICES Case File Number 002763 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: An individual (the […]