
[…] ay or m ay not be personal infor mation. For exam ple, the content of a transc ription of a […]


[…] with one law involves breach of the other: see, for exam ple, Orders 99-034 and 2000-002. If there is an […]


[…] did not adequately conduct the first search. However, I have exam ined the r ecords of the second search, which […]


[…] f or a ccess to h er child welf are file from the date of her birth in 1948 to […]


[…] the burden of proof, I also considered it useful to exam ine related decisions m ade under the Freedom of […]


[…] plied. Even so, such an interpretation would requi re an exam ination whether the legislation could be justified under section […]


[…] ent m atters. It must be assum ed so. For exam ple, if som eone is chas ing m e […]


[…] scope of th e d efin itio n. (See, for exam ple, Order P-773 , O.I.P.C . No. 328, wh […]


[…] COMMISSIONER ORDER F2006-031 September 22, 2008 EDMONTON POLICE SERVICE Case File Number 3341 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Edmonton Police […]


[…] breaches the Act. I noted that m y role includes exam ining the Public Bo dy’s information manage ment practices […]