
[…] records at issue appeared to be “information in a court file” within the terms of section 4(1)(a). However, as the […]


[…] Hotels and Resorts Inc. (Fairmont) for information in his personnel file. Fairmont responded to his first request, providing some of […]


[…] of his Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) investigation file. Human Services provided responsive records, withholding some information under […]


[…] agency. She disputed that any money was owed by her and settled the issue with Midwest. Midwest confirmed that the […]

P2009-IR-02 & F2009-IR-02

[…] of personal information for the purposes of managing the complainant’s file. However, the investigation recommended that both SAIT and Sun […]


[…] an investigation after a property management firm contacted the OIPC to report that staff had discovered 10 boxes of records […]


[…] records in the JOIN database are records in a court file, and therefore exempt from FOIP, because it was not […]


[…] of challenges that made it impossible to make meaningful and reliable findings with respect to other potential issues in the […]


[…] on the request for authorization to disregard requests. A new file was opened to investigate JSG’s destruction of records responsive […]


[…] on the request for authorization to disregard requests. A new file was opened to investigate JSG’s destruction of records responsive […]