
[…] on the request for authorization to disregard requests. A new file was opened to investigate JSG’s destruction of records responsive […]


An individual made a complaint that Maxim Research and Consulting Corporation Ltd. (Maxim) had collected, used and disclosed information about […]


[…] or disclosed his personal information in his personal files. Justice and Solicitor General (JSG) was added as a party to […]


[…] Police Service improperly accessed her personal information by reviewing a file containing reference to her. The complainant did not provide […]


[…] course of ongoing litigation, obtained his credit report from Equifax, and filed the credit report in court as evidence in […]


An individual made a complaint that Environment and Parks imprperly used and disclosed his personal information in the course of […]


[…] warn future users that the information may not be sufficiently reliable for use or disclosure unless reasonable steps are first […]


[…] that it consisted of opinions, and instead annotated the applicant’s file. The Adjudicator found that CBE properly refused to correct […]


[…] for records relating to polygraph testing results and his HR file. CPS provided some records, withholding information under sections pertaining […]


[…] him from a third party and used it in its file, without authority. The Adjudicator made several determinations in this […]