
[…] which are allowed under section 10(3) of the Regulation. For example, it may be that the Custodian’s cost to photocopy […]


[…] m ust be exercised properly. In O rder H2004-004, I exam ined the factors that m ust be considered in […]


[…] 6, 2006 THE OWNERS: CONDOMIN IUM PLAN No. 7710418 Case File Num ber P0072 Office URL : https://oipc.ab.ca Summary: The […]


[…] 2006 HENRY REM PEL and MARY ANNE REM PEL Case File Num ber P0092 Office URL: https://oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Com […]


[…] the context of the FOIP Act and PI PA. For exam ple, it s ays: To f ind that the […]


[…] COMMISSIONER ORDER F2006-011 June 6, 2007 EDMONTON POLICE SERVICE Case File Num ber F3441 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: A June […]


[…] COMMISSIONER ORDER F2006-010 October 3, 2007 EDMONTON POLICE COMMISSION Case File Num ber 3328 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant […]


[…] F2006- 014 Novem ber 19, 2007 EDMONTON POLICE SERVICE Case File Num ber 3426 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant […]


[…] 2007 TH E EDMONTO N POLI CE SERVI CE Case File Num ber 3478 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: The Applicant […]


[…] UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA AND UNI V ERSITY OF CALGARY Case File Num bers 3346 and 3349 Office URL: www.oipc.ab.ca Summary: […]