
[…] we did not take the huge time commitment of the annual budget process and other Settlement priorities into consideration…” April […]


[…] Assessments by Public Body and Custodian Type: 2009‑10 CONTENTS 2009-10 ANNUAL REPORT – OFFICE OF THE INFORMATION AND PRIVACY COMMISSIONER OF […]


OIPC 2008 – 2009 ANNUAL REPORT2008 – 2009 ANNUAL REP ORT 2008 – 2009 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT 2008 – 2009 […]


[…] not the Minister. See http://www.esdc.gc.ca/eng/jobs/ei/commission/ . 95 In the 1996/97 Annual Report, then Privacy Commissioner Bruce Phillips commented that “Doubtless such […]


[…] 88% -11% 14% 44% 4% 13% 43% 26% 7% 21% ANNUAL % CHANGE There were 50 breach reports received in 2010‑ […]


[…] too costly and burdensome without significant transparency gains. See IPSA Annual Report 2012 -2013 at p. 7. Online: < http://parliamentarystandards.org.uk/transparency/IPSA%20corporate%20reports%20%20publications/Annual%20Report s,%2 […]


[…] from Alberta’s health sector and reports these numbers in its annual report . A self -reported breach is a breach that […]


[…] 2006-2007 Alberta Government Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Annual Report, provincial government bodies received a total of 3308 FOIP […]


[…] information the plan administrator seeks to withhold is contained in annual reports regarding the status of the pension plan. With […]


[…] Assessments by Public Body and Custodian Type: 2010‑11 CONTENTS 2010‑11 ANNUAL REPORT – OFFICE OF THE INFORMATION AND PRIVACY COMMISSIONER OF […]