
On January 8, 2018, the Organization was advised by several individuals that they had received an email from the Organization requesting they download a file by clicking on a link. The Organization did not send the email. During the week of January 8, 2018, the Organization?s IT consultant advised that the imposter might have had unauthorized access to the Organization?s emails. The Organization reported ?The intent of the imposter does not appear to have been to access my emails. Rather, it appears to have been intended to access the computers of others by using my name?. The Organization?s IT consultant believes the intruder was not able to access the Organization?s emails. The intrusion was via the web, not via the local desktop, so the compromise was to the Organization?s email account and not to the system itself. The Organization?s emails appear to be undisturbed. The IT consultant further advised that nothing else on the computer was accessed and that the system is secure. The Organization reported that it has received no information that anyone downloaded the file, although one person tried to open the file by clicking on the link provided, but entered the wrong password and did not proceed further. The Organization is not aware of any loss or misuse of the information to date.

File Type: pdf
File Size: 330 KB
Categories: 2019