
On March 24, 2017, the Organization contacted a client to request he submit a Financial Deferred Payment Application, and the client informed the Organization he had personally delivered the application, as well as a void cheque, to the Organization?s office on March 6, 2017. The Organization confirmed it received the documents on March 6, 2017, but, after searching, was unable to find them. The Organization surmised that the application and cheque were placed in the secure ?in-bin? of an employee who was assisting the client and his wife. The employee was away the week of March 6, 2017 and did not return until the week of March 13, 2017. Shortly thereafter, the employee?s employment with the Organization ceased. The Organization speculates that the employee inadvertently took the documents when the employee left the Organization. However, the (now former) employee denies taking the documents. The Organization believes if the former employee had taken the documents, the documents would likely have been destroyed. If the documents were not taken by the former employee, the Organization believes they would have been shredded.

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Categories: 2018