Information and Privacy Commissioner to Investigate Emails Sent to Teachers

February 28, 2013

Information and Privacy Commissioner Jill Clayton has initiated an investigation of the emails sent on February 6, 2013 by the Minister of Alberta Education to teachers.

In launching the investigation on her own motion, Commissioner Clayton says “I have followed the media coverage on this matter and I am mindful of the number of individuals affected (i.e. 30,000 teachers). I would like to ascertain for myself, and the teachers who were contacted, whether or not these emails were sent in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the FOIP Act).”

The Commissioner’s investigation will:

  • Examine whether Alberta Education complied with the FOIP Act when the Minister sent the emails to the teachers.
  • Make recommendations, if required, to ensure that Alberta Education collects, uses and discloses teachers’ contact information in accordance with the FOIP Act.

After completing the investigation, the Commissioner will release a public report with findings and recommendations.