Information and Privacy Commissioner to Examine the Alberta Government’s Management of Ministerial Emails

October 4, 2011

Commissioner Frank Work has decided to conduct an investigation in relation to the Alberta Government’s management of Ministerial emails. The objectives of the Commissioner’s investigation are to:

  • Assess the extent to which secondary email accounts are established and used by Ministers;
  • Examine rules or policies established by the Government of Alberta in relation to the management of Ministerial emails, including any rules or policies on the use of multiple email accounts by Ministers with respect to government work;
  • Identify issues or implications to access to information in the Government’s management of Ministerial emails; and
  • Make recommendations to ensure that the Government’s management of Ministerial emails is in accordance with the provisions of the FOIP Act and any records retention and disposition schedules established under the Records Management Regulation.

Upon completion of his investigation, Commissioner Work will issue a public investigation report about his findings and recommendations. Commissioner Work emphasizes this is not an offence or breach investigation. Rather, the Commissioner wishes to establish clear guidelines respecting the treatment of Ministerial emails as records under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

This investigation is separate from the Commissioner’s investigation initiated on September 8, 2011 in relation to allegations reported by the media against Progressive Conservative leadership candidate Ted Morton. That investigation is currently in progress.