Commissioner Releases Report on Calgary Taxi Commission

April 2, 2003

Frank Work, Information and Privacy Commissioner, issued an investigation report on the Calgary Taxi Commission’s collection of criminal record information.

The report found that the Taxi Commission, now known as Livery Transport Services, has the authority under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the “Act”) to collect criminal record information on taxi drivers and brokers when they apply for, or annually renew, their licences.

The concern was raised by a taxi driver applicant.

The Taxi Commission’s mandate is to ensure the safety of the travelling public with respect to the livery industry.  The report found that in order to fulfill this mandate it was necessary to check the criminal record of applicants.

The report also noted that only accuracy of information was material, with respect to the source of the data. Whether the information was collected through the Calgary Police Service or through the Royal Canadian Mounted Police did not affect the investigator’s findings.