An individual complained that the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) used and disclosed his personal information in contravention of FOIP.…
An individual complained that the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) used and disclosed his personal information in contravention of FOIP.…
The applicant submitted an access request to Employment and Immigration for all records from a specified period documenting the engagement…
The applicant asked the City of Calgary for records regarding pension and other payments made to certain senior officials after…
The applicant asked the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) for records relating to a complaint about noise coming from his home.…
The applicant requested from the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) all records relating to a complaint against EPS members that had…
The applicant made a request to Employment and Immigration for copies of email communications between her manager and an employee…
The applicant asked the Calgary Health Region, which is now part of Alberta Health Services (AHS), for records pertaining to…
An individual made a complaint that the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) had contravened Part 2 of FOIP when it used…
The applicant asked the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) for the names of police officers involved in certain investigations of alleged…
The applicant made five access requests to the Calgary Board of Education (CBE). CBE provided the applicant with estimates of…