
An individual made a complaint that his information was improperly disclosed by Justice and Solicitor General (JSG). The Adjudicator found…


An individual made a complaint that his information was improperly disclosed by the County of St. Paul No. 19. The…


The Commissioner decided that parts of an access request made to Justice and Solicitor General (JSG) were offensive and deemed…


The applicant made an access request to Energy for studies, reports or documents comparing Alberta’s royalty rates and regime for…


The applicant made an access request to the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) for all records relating to complaints mentioned in…


The applicant made an access request for records that related to her employment with Alberta Health Services (AHS). The applicant…


The applicant requested from Service Alberta the cost of developing a baby names app. Service Alberta located invoices containing the…


In Order F2014-38 / Decision F2014-D-02 the Adjudicator decided that Alberta Health Services (AHS) should be given the opportunity to…


Five applicants made access requests to Alberta Health Services (AHS) for records relating to the expense claims filed by a…


The applicant made an access request to the Human Rights Commission (HRC) for complaint files. HRC stated that it was…