
Two separate applicants filed access requests with Justice and Solicitor General (JSG) related to the Government of Alberta’s tobacco lawsuit.…


An applicant filed two access requests with Health related to the Government of Alberta’s tobacco lawsuit. The External Adjudicator made…


The applicant made a request to Community and Social Services (CSS), for Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) policy…


The applicant requested all records relating to the Edmonton Police Service’s (EPS) YouTube series, “The Squad”. EPS located 1,448 pages…


An individual made a complaint about the collection and use of their personal information via video surveillance by Primaris Management…


The applicant made an access request to Environment and Parks for records concerning the eligibility of groups or individuals to…


The applicant made an access request to Service Alberta. Service Alberta failed to respond to the applicant within the time…


An individual complained that a safety consultant disclosed her personal information to a trucking company in contravention of PIPA. The…


In Order F2014-23, the Adjudicator did not confirm the City of Lethbridge’s decisions to sever statements made by an officer…


The applicant made an access request to Seniors and Housing. Seniors and Housing failed to respond to the applicant within…