
The applicant made a request for access to Capital Health (now Alberta Health Services or AHS) for records containing information…


The applicant made a request to Justice and Attorney General for a Crown prosecutor’s file. Justice and Attorney General gave…


The applicant requested records containing his personal information from Mount Royal College (now Mount Royal University or MRU) including a…


The applicant made a request to the University of Alberta (U of A). U of A identified records containing information…


The applicants made a request for access to Government Services (now Service Alberta) for records relating to decisions to lay…


The applicant made a request to the University of Alberta (U of A) for email communications between a member and…


The applicant made an access request to the University of Calgary (U of C) for email communications containing his personal…


The applicant asked Transportation for the contract value/price associated with a third party’s successful response to a request for proposals.…

F2009-19 & F2009-20

The applicant made an access request to the City of Edmonton in order to determine the source of information about…


The applicant asked Justice and Attorney General for information concerning the interception of his private communications. Justice and Attorney General…