Information and Privacy Commissioner Can Now Review Registrar Decisions to Grant or Deny Access to Motor Vehicle Information

April 30, 2004

Beginning on May 1, 2004, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner will review decisions by the Registrar of Motor Vehicle Services (Registrar) to grant or deny access to personal driving and motor vehicle information.

The Access to Motor Vehicle Information Regulation (AMVIR) is a regulation under the Traffic Safety Act of Alberta. The decision to grant or deny access to information rests with the Registrar.

AMVIR allows any person to request a review by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of the Registrar’s decision to grant or deny access to information under this Regulation. A request for review must be made within 60 days of publication of that decision on the Registrar’s website.

The Registrar is responsible for ensuring that persons or organizations given access to this information abide by the specific conditions contained in the contract with the Registrar. Complaints about the conduct of persons or organizations granted access should be made to the Registrar.

Concerns about the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by organizations who receive personal driving and motor vehicle information from the Registrar may be subject to Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act or other privacy legislation. Individuals may want to contact the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner about a specific concern.