
Le Journal Franco-Albertain Ltee. (Le Franco) is a corporation incorporated under the Business Corporations Act. The Organization took over the administration of Le Franco pursuant to a Unanimous Shareholders Agreement. As a result, the powers of the present Members of the Board of Le Franco were suspended. The Organization became aware that a former Board Member of Le Franco posted personal information on his personal Facebook account that may contain personal information of a former employee of Le Franco. The Organization forwarded a cease and desist letter to the former Board Member and, on January 6, 2020, requested that any documentation the former Board Member had in his possession be provided to the Organization. The documentation was provided to the Organization on January 9, 2020. The Organization reviewed and confirmed the information at issue was deleted from the Facebook account. The Organization reported that it is ?not is not aware of any further personal information being distributed by (the former Board Member]?.

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Categories: 2021