
In June 2018, thieves broke in to the group mailbox at a residential condominium property the Organization manages and stole mail from a number of mailboxes including one individual?s new credit card. The Organization?s office was subsequently contacted by telephone by a person who identified himself as being with the Calgary Police Service. The caller requested a telephone number and email address for an occupant of the condominium property (the individual whose credit card had been stolen). The Organization?s staff member who answered the phone believed the call was from law enforcement and provided the individual?s telephone number and email address. It now appears that the caller was not with the Calgary Police Service. After the call to the Organization?s office, someone (either the same person or an associate) called the individual on two occasions; the second call used a “spoofing” call-display technology to make it appear the call was coming from the Calgary Police Service non-emergency telephone number. The Organization understands the individual declined to provide personal information during the first call, but during the second call the individual was fooled by the “spoofing” call-display technology into believing the call was from Calgary Police Service and provided his date of birth and middle name. The information provided by the individual enabled the mail thieves or an associate of theirs to activate the stolen credit card and begin making charges against the credit card.

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Categories: 2018