
On July 22, 2018, an unknown individual broke into the Organization?s locked office in Red Deer and stole a desktop computer, back-up drive, and a password book. The incident was discovered on July 22, 2018 after the building’s security alarm went off and RCMP were dispatched. The desktop computer was encrypted and password-protected and part of the Organization?s disablement system. Once the desktop “pinged” on Sunday, July 22nd, 2018, the Organization was able to disable the computer, scrub the information on the computer, and render it useless. There was no password protection on the external hard drive and it was not part of the Organization?s disablement system. The Organization reported that the banking and SIN information and membership/seniority lists that were saved as a PDF to the desktop and backed up on the external drive would likely be available to the thief.

File Type: pdf
File Size: 333 KB
Categories: 2018