
On April 27, 2018, the Organization?s former records storage service provider in Calgary confirmed that two boxes containing paper records of donation could not be located in its facility. The boxes were identified as missing during a records verification process undertaken in May 2017 after the storage service provider sold certain of its holdings to another company. After identifying the missing boxes, the Organization notified both the storage service provider and the new company. The new company confirmed that it never received the two boxes of the Organization?s records, but still conducted a search of its premises to confirm same. The original storage provider also conducted searches of its Calgary premise, and confirmed that it could not locate the boxes within its facility. The two missing boxes contained completed records of donation for approximately 2,652 individuals who made, or attempted to make, whole blood, plasma or platelet donations at the Organization?s Calgary area clinics, including Lethbridge and Medicine Hat, between June 14 and 19, 2006 and between September 4 and 8, 2008.

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