
The Organization (a psychologist) reported that for many years, he sent documents related to his practice to his wife to be printed. His wife was employed with a group of construction companies. The psychologist, his wife, and the CEO of the construction company believed ?that the email was secure and that no one else besides my wife? had access to the information??. Following the CEO?s departure, the wife ?was downsized from her employment without cause.? As a result, three (3) new shareholders of the company ?managed to access the documents that I used to send my wife and are now holding them for ransom in an attempt to deny her her severance, and extort from her her shares in the company.? The Organization reported that these events occurred in July 2016 and the incident was discovered when the psychologist received a letter from the wife’s previous employer ?stating they are holding my documents and intend to release them if my wife does not give up her severance and her shares in the company.? The Organization reportedly recovered the records in March 2017.

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Categories: 2017